About Us

Peru Passport DMC is a digital destination management company that specializes in selling customized and sustainable trips to Peru. We cater to families, seniors, college students, and Peruvians living abroad, offering unique experiences that showcase the beauty and diversity of Peru. Our aim is to provide memorable experiences that will not only meet but exceed the expectations of our passengers while promoting environmental sustainability. Through our innovative approach, we intend to create experiences that are unparalleled and that will set us apart from our competitors.

  • Integrity

  • excellence

  • Commitment

  • Innovation

  • Sustainable Practice

Our values
Michael O.
Katya P.

Meet the Founders

General Manager | Co-Founder

International Sales Relations Manager | Co-Founder

Katya is responsible for managing the company's international relations, with a focus on the American market and user experience. Prior to co-founding Peru Passport DMC, she spent twelve years working in foreign trade and logistics while splitting her time between the USA and Peru. Additionally, her expertise in hospitality has provided her with knowledge on how to best engage with customers.

Favorite Travel Experience

After a long journey to the south of Peru, Katya finally could admire the beautiful landscape of Machu Picchu.

Bucket Lists

To have a fantastic cruise along the Amazon River.

Michael is the General Manager of Peru Passport DMC. He is responsible for overseeing all the company's activities and presides over its board. Prior to co-founding Peru Passport DMC, Michael worked for twelve years in foreign trade and logistics. Also, his expertise in project management has provided him with knowledge on how to best apply processes, methods, skills, knowledge, and experience to successfully achieve project objectives.

Favorite Travel Experience

Michael enjoys traveling from Lima to Cusco every time he has the opportunity to recharge his energy.

Bucket Lists

To explore the enchanting, untouched regions of the Peruvian rainforest.